“Why Modular”
Systecon’s turn-key solutions include:
Conceptual development and component selection
Plant design and optimization
Factory manufactured system
Factory testing and commissioning
Shipment to the project location and rigging
Complete site installation, start-up and commissioning
Full single-source warranty and optional maintenance
Benefits vs. a field built system:
Single source responsibility – Systecon manages everything
Complete project control – inception, design, fabrication
Fixed project cost with no back charges
Increased overall quality and efficiency
Factory manufactured system – benefits from our employees’ experience, proven best
practices and standard operating procedures
Factory efficiencies save you time and money – labor, tools, and equipment are in house
Factory quality control – factory testing systems at full capacity allows any issues to be
addressed before delivery to your site
Reduced on-site trade coordination and project management over-lap
Shipment to the project location and rigging
Improved security and protection of your investments – expensive components aren’t
sitting around an unsecure jobsite
Complete site installation, start-up and commissioning
Full single-source warranty and optional maintenance
Market Focus
Modular Chiller Plants
Data Centers
Central Chiller Plants
Our Modular Plants are the integration of chillers, boilers, generators, cooling towers, heat exchangers,
pumps, and controls. Custom designed for your project, Systecon’s plants can be designed for indoor
applications or include an enclosure for outdoor installation. We’re capable of handing projects of any
size – even jobs with small footprints receive the proper service and maintenance clearances. Modular
Benefits Like our pumping systems, Systecon’s modular plants are unique in that they are designed,
assembled and tested in our factory. Our experienced labor force and controlled environment allow us
to eliminate outside variables that might delay lead-time or compromise quality control. This efficiency
is how we’re able to reduce overall production cost and still deliver exceptional quality.
Standard Industrial Pumping Systems
Central Chiller Plants
Evaporative Cooling
Pump Packages
Standard Pump Packages Systecon Standard Packages provide indoor comfort systems and
comprehensive facility solutions for institutional, commercial, and industrial uses. By combining
components into standard configurations, Systecon is able to offer a product that costs less, and
requires less time to manufacture. All Systecon Standard Packages come with factory mounted controls
for pump sequencing and remote monitoring. Major system components include pumps, variable speed
drives, headers, and structural steel bases.
Systecon Standard Package
Variable Primary Flow Systems
Primary/Secondary Systems
Condenser Systems
Dual Use Primary/Condenser Systems
Water Source Heat Pump Systems
Combined Heat and Power
Food & Beverage
Water Filtration
Pump Packages
Central Chiller Plants
Interactive Optimization
Save energy and maintain performance.
Systecon's Interactive Optimization addresses all three areas of central plant energy use – distribution,
production and heat rejection - so your system runs at peak efficiency. Our integrated controls interface
with the chillers, boilers, cooling towers, and pumps so inefficiencies can be evaluated and adjustments
made to minimize power consumption without sacrificing performance.
Systecon is the only modular plant manufacturer to offer chiller plant optimization.
Controls are key when it comes to optimizing the efficiency of your system, and Systecon’s central plant
controls can give you a major advantage in complete system optimization.
One of Systecon’s many innovations, CritiChill® modular indirect evaporative cooling is a modular chiller
solution designed for air-cooled chiller replacement. It provides the efficiency of a water-cooled chiller,
the benefit of an integrated economizer, and the easy installation of an air-cooled chiller.
Wire-to-Water Efficiency
Systecon developed Wire-to Water Efficiency (WWE) to determine the best pump selection and
sequencing for optimal pumping system performance and efficiency. It’s a ratio between the electrical
energy input to the pumps and the kinetic energy achieved by this input. Optimizing this value can
reduce a pump package’s operation costs while still maintaining load requirements.
For more about Powersmith Group's industrial Custom Modular Utility Solutions, send us a short email describing your specific requirements today -